Happy Monday from the islands everyone!!
It is a rainy day here, how is it in your neck of the woods? I hear there is lots of snow still falling out there so I'm not going to complain much.
Well, back at work today but I am still recovering from the weekend.
It was a great one! I was able to disconnect for a while and it was definitely what I needed.
Wow, that is all that I can say! I had never been to an air show before but this was just awesome.
Watching the precision with which the pilots flew their jets and the sky divers floated through the air was nothing short of amazing.
My favorite of course was the crowd favorite as well, the Blue Angels.
If you want to know what having your heart in your throat feels like...well go see them perform because I was just at the edge of my seat for the whole show (technically I was standing up the whole time but who really cares right?)
The tricks, the routines, the noise was all just well, PERFECT!
I tried uploading some videos but Blogger wasn't having it.
This is definitely something worth experiencing if you ever get the chance to. I heard somewhere (radio, show, I really can't remember) that this is the last time the Blue Angels will be performing this year so I was glad to have been a part of it if this is the case.
You can find out more about the base on the link provided above or more about the show by visiting the Blue Angels Facebook Page or the Facebook Page of the NAS KW.
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